Sichuan Shutong Geotechnical Engineering Company (formerly Ministry ofMetallugial Industry Southwest Exploraticon and Foundation EngineeringCorporation) was founded in 1985 and is filitd to Sichuan Bureau ofMetalurgical Gelogy & Exploration which is a public isitution Headquarteredin Chengdu, Sichuan Province, the company is a diversified and comprehensivestate-owned enterprise focusing on geotechnical engineering exploration, design,construction and consulting The company has been honored with the titl ofnational excellent exploration and design institution, drought-resistant. watersearching and well riling work advanced group in the four northern provinces'land and resources system, the province's advanced group against large torenisof mudslides, the provincial geological disaster prevention advanced group, 4.20Lushan Earthquake recovery and reconstruction advanced group, Chengdugeotechnical engineering expl oration, design and construcion drawing reviewAAAcredit enterprise.
The company has more than 450 employees, more than 350 of whom areprofessional engineers and technicians, more than 220 intermediate tille orabove, more than 90 certifled practitioners, and more than 30 selected membersof the national, provincial and municipal experts.
The company holds many cerificates, such as Grade A of geotechnicalengineering exploration, ground and foundation engineering, and geologicaldisaster prevention The company mainly engages in all kinds of geotechnicalengineering exploration, and the design, construction and operation of varioustypes of ground and foundation engineering, municipal public works andenvironmental protection projects; liquid mineral, hydrogeology engineeringgeollogy and environmental geology exploration, hydrology and water resourcesexploration and assessment; water-draw and uilization assessment, flooddischarge abil assessment, and sewage outlet assessment; gelogical disasterprevention & control engineering exploration, design, construction andsupervision, and construction land geological disaster risk assessment:engineering mapping; Water test: soill, solid waste, and water qualty test andanalysis, and environmental monitoring. main structure, ground and foundation,and road engineering inspection. eto. environmental oltio prevention,environmental protection equipment sales, intallaltion and commissioning:geotechnical engineering exploration labor service and gellogical dil ling;engineering consulting and supervision, Equipment leasing; mineral geologicaland other businesses,
The company adheres to the principle of "skllll efident and technlogical",establishes and the management mechanism, and has passed the cerification ofChinese qualy system 1S090001:2015, environment management system15014001:2015 and occupational healh and safety management systemGBIT18001:2007. Aè the same time, the company is a permanent mermber ofSichuan Environmentall Science Society and Sichuan Environmental ProtectionIndustry Association, the vice president unit of the Green DevelopmentPromotion Association of Sichuan province, and a member of the EditorialComittee of the Ground Source Heat Pumps magazine.
In recent years, the company has conducted businesses including geologicalsurveys, disaster management, engineering exploration. railway line survey,airport survey, geotechnical design, land consollidation, water-draw and lliatioanassessment. environmental monit?ring geological research, consulting services,eta, in Sichuan, Chongqing. Yunnan. Guizhou, Tibet, Qinghai, Xirjiang, Fujan,Zhejiang. Guangdong Anhui, Liaoning provinces in China and in Central Asiaand Southeast Asia such as Tajikistan, Malaysia, Laos and Pakistan. Thecompany has twice been awarded with National Quality Engineering SiverAward, 12 times with ministeral and proincia-level first prize, over 30 times withsecond prize, over 20 times with third prize, making great contribution to thenational and local economic development.